antónio de oliveira salazar in a sentence
Example sentences included in the dictionary:
- antonio de oliveira salazar 1932-Right-wing politician Antonio de Oliveira Salazar becomes Portugal's prime minister. The dictatorship was begun in 1932 under Antonio de Oliveira Salazar and maintained by Caetano, be...
- oliveira de salazar On 26 September 1933, the conservational director of the Alberto Sampaio Museum, Dr . Alfredo Guimar鉫s, requested from Ant髇io Oliveira de Salazar visit the ruined palace, which helped to m...
- antonio de salazar Among these New World composers were Hernando Franco, Antonio de Salazar, and Manuel de Zumaya. Zaculeu was defended by Kayb'il B'alam Alvarado left Antonio de Salazar to supervise the sie...
- antonio de oliveira Gen . Marcos Antonio de Oliveira in 1994. Gen . Marcos Antonio de Oliveira, head of the armed forces committee coordinating the project. 1932-Right-wing politician Antonio de Oliveira Sala...
- antonio manuel de oliveira guterres Algunos de ellos representaban las mayores fortunas de este continente y de Espana; otros eran ex presidentes y primeros ministros, como el portugues Antonio Manuel de Oliveira Guterres, q...
- oliveira salazar In 1928 Carmona appointed Ant髇io de Oliveira Salazar as Minister of Finance. Edit Ant髇io de Oliveira Salazar and remove Category : Presidents of Portugal. It was dominated by Ant髇io de Oli...
- juan de salazar de espinosa 1537 : Explorers Juan de Salazar de Espinosa and Gonzalo de Mendoza sail upstream to meet Irala, who guides them to a safe port. After Mendoza returned unexpectedly to Spain, two other mem...
- antonio salazar Until 1968, when the dictator Antonio Salazar retired, censorship was used to keep secrets. The teenage break from her family had a single cause : Antonio Salazar's dictatorship. During th...
- antonio oliveira "We have to be more aggressive, " said Portugal's coach Antonio Oliveira. Portugal coach Antonio Oliveira predicts a competitive clash which could leave casualties. Portugal coach Antonio ...
- antonio de viti de marco According to Nobel prize winner James M . Buchanan, Pantaleoni and his followers ( such as Antonio De Viti De Marco and Vilfredo Pareto ) can be considered the intellectual forefathers of ...
- salida de la misa de doce de la iglesia del pilar de zaragoza "Salida de la misa de doce de la Iglesia del Pilar de Zaragoza's " film tape had a length of 12.4m, consisted of 651 stills and has a duration of less than a minute. Both short films, " Sa...
- sindicato de medicos de asistencia publica v conselleria de sanidad y consumo de la generalidad valenciana ""'Sindicato de Medicos de Asistencia Publica v Conselleria de Sanidad y Consumo de la Generalidad Valenciana " "'( 2000 ) C-303 / 98 is a European labour law case concerning the Working T...
- alonso de salazar Alonso de Salazar Frias, the junior inquisitor and a lawyer by training, was delegated to examine the matter at length. The Toribio Alonso de Salazar and Diego de Saavedra arrived on Augus...
- alonso de salazar frias Alonso de Salazar Frias, the junior inquisitor and a lawyer by training, was delegated to examine the matter at length.
- domingo de salazar Early in 1581 he set out for the Philippines with Bishop Domingo de Salazar. He accompanied Archbishop Domingo de Salazar to Spain to defend the native Filipinos against Spanish oppression...
- francisco cervantes de salazar Francisco Cervantes de Salazar copied much of Gomara's book to make his " " Cr髇ica de la Nueva Espa馻 " ". The Garc韆 Icazbalceta collection included rare and important sixteenth-century pri...
- gonzalo de salazar He had Pedro de Alvarado arrested for questioning the loyalty of Gonzalo de Salazar. When Cort閟 left Mexico City he was accompanied by Gonzalo de Salazar and Pedro Alm韓dez Chirino as far a...
- jose de mazarredo y salazar On 9 August 1780, Pur韘ima Concepci髇 was part of the Spanish fleet that captured a British convoy of 52 ships under the command of Admiral Luis de C髍dova y C髍dova and Vice Admiral Jose de M...
- juan de salazar y espinoza 1537-Spanish conquistador Juan de Salazar y Espinoza founds Fort of Our Lady of Asuncion, later Asuncion, Paraguay's capital. 1537-Spanish conquistador Juan de Salazar y Espinoza discovers...
- luis de salazar y castro Although, according to Luis de Salazar y Castro, his father was Rodrigo P閞ez de Mara耋n, this filiation has not been documented. Luis de Salazar y Castro, a 17th-century writer focusing on ...
- pablo de hita y salazar Pablo de Hita y Salazar was subsequently appointed official governor of Florida.
- salazar de las palmas Other historians point to father Romero, the parochial priest of Salazar de las Palmas, Norte de Santander. After hearing the confession of the parishioners of the town of Salazar de la Pa...
- simon de anda y salazar October 4, 1762 marked the Fall of Manila from the British invaders . That same night Simon de Anda y Salazar left Manila aboard a small banca for Bulakan, Bulacan. The Sepoys backstabbed ...
- toribio alonso de salazar The Toribio Alonso de Salazar and Diego de Saavedra arrived on August 22, 1526, sighting the Island of San Bartolom?or Taongui. Several Pacific islands were claimed by Spain during the 16t...
- tristan de salazar Pope Alexander VI confirmed his appointment on 29 October 1492; Champigny took the oath of allegiance on 10 December 1492; and in 1494, he traveled to Sens, where he was consecrated by Tri...
How can I put and write and define antónio de oliveira salazar in a sentence and how is the word antónio de oliveira salazar used in a sentence and examples? antónio de oliveira salazar造句, antónio de oliveira salazar造句, 用antónio de oliveira salazar造句, antónio de oliveira salazar meaning, definition, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by